New Communities Group
Creating age-friendly, inclusive homes and communities
The UK’s population is undergoing a massive age shift. In less than 20 years, one in four people will be over 65. The Centre for Ageing Better’s vision is a society where everyone enjoys later life. The safety and accessibility of our homes is key to our health, wellbeing and social connections as we grow…
In-person seminar: Creating town centres in new communities
TCPA TCPA, 17 Carlton House Terrace, London, United KingdomThis event will be held at the Town & Country Planning Association, 17 Carlton House Terrace, London, SW1Y 5ASThriving town centres should be places where people can work, shop, eat, drink and play. Too often in new developments, housing comes first, and town centres are left until later or deemed too difficult to deliver. However,…
Implementing design codes in new communities
Online - Zoom , United KingdomThe Government states that well-designed places should be functional, support mixed uses and tenures, include successful public spaces, be adaptable and resilient, have a distinctive character, be attractive, and encourage ease of movement. To reflect the emphasis Ministers have been placing on good design in recent years, a wealth of guidance has been published including…
TCPA New Communities Group Webinar: Long-term stewardship in new communities – from vision to reality
Online - Zoom , United KingdomInterest in the concept of long-term stewardship continues to gain momentum among politicians and practitioners, but realising the full opportunity of this ambition requires an early alignment of policy, finance, political will, and the meaningful participation of local people in the process. The TCPA has produced a wealth of guidance and resources to support those…
New Communities Group Webinar: Briefing on planning reforms and the NPPF
Online - Zoom , United KingdomFrom the changes to housing needs forecasting, and a new structure for development plans, to new powers for Development Corporations, planning reform and revised national policy will have significant implications for the planning system and how we might plan strategically for housing growth, and the mechanisms to deliver.This online briefing will set out what the…
New Communities Group webinar: Delivering climate resilient new communities
Online - Zoom , United KingdomNew Garden Cities and large-scale developments must be places that address climate change mitigation and adaptation. They must have a long-term vision to deal with climate change impacts within a local democratic context, allowing communities to participate in forming and implementing solutions to the problems that we face. Climate adaptation must be a foundational principle…
New Communities Group Webinar: Planning for Sustainable Transport
New large-scale communities provide a unique opportunity to create places which enable people to live in healthy, happy places that reduce their impact on the environment, while enhancing social and economic wellbeing and tending to the future needs of residents. They are in the ideal position to provide innovative transport solutions from the outset, and…
NCG Webinar: Opportunities for a new approach to housing delivery – a briefing from TCPA
The need for more homes is never far from the political agenda and will continue to be an important theme in the run up to the General Election. The Labour Party has recently committed to a new generation of new towns and social housing, the Liberal Democrats have committed to 10 new Garden Cities, and…
New Communities Group Webinar: development management: consenting new large-scale developments
When planning large-scale new communities a lot of effort goes into the visioning and masterplan, but it is essential to focus on the entire journey from concept through to delivery, to ensure new communities are high quality, resilient and well-connected. How can local authorities make sure they are able to cope with large-scale, multi-stage applications…
TCPA New Communities Group Webinar: Viability and finance for large-scale new communities
Viability and funding are crucial issues for those planning and delivering large-scale new communities. How can high quality development be maintained, but also be viable? This webinar will explore the latest sources of funding and investigate complex viability processes. We will hear from experts in the field as well case studies of how local authorities have…
New Communities Group Webinar: Governance and Stewardship in Large Scale Developments (2 part series)
Long-term stewardship is an approach to delivering and managing places that can ensure new communities are places which enable people and the environment to flourish, in perpetuity. It is one of the core Garden City Principles and the right approach provides an opportunity to create places which people will be proud to live in for…
New Communities Group Webinar: Income streams for stewardship (2 part series)
Long-term stewardship is an approach to delivering and managing places that can ensure new communities are places which enable people and the environment to flourish, in perpetuity. It is one of the core Garden City Principles and the right approach provides an opportunity to create places which people will be proud to live in for…
TCPA New Communities Group Webinar: Who will live in the new community?
How do you plan for a new community when the population is unknown? As part of the TCPA New Communities Group series of events, this webinar will explore modelling tools to predict what a future community is likely to consist of, how to design for and accommodate for the new demographics of an area. We…
TCPA New Communities Group Webinar: How to create new vibrant town centres
Town and district centres are at the heart of a community, how can we successfully design them for new large-scale developments? As part of the TCPA New Communities Group series of events, this webinar will explore modelling tools used to design and plan new town centres, as well as how to deliver town centres that…