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Securing healthy homes locally – a webinar for local government

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24th September : 12:00 pm 1:00 pm


Healthy homes are essential for people to live healthy, happy lives. There is strong evidence showing how the quality of our homes and neighbourhoods affects our mental and physical health. However, around one in ten people in the UK (over 6 million) are still living in poor quality homes. 

Local councils are at the sharp end of this debate, partly because they bear the increased costs that arise from the social care and housing requirements associated with unaffordable and poor quality housing, and partly because they have the insight and will to drive lasting change to secure healthy lives.

The TCPA has produced a technical guide which explains in detail why and how the Healthy Homes Principles can be applied in local policy and practice. 

This webinar will share some of the highlights from the guide. We’ll outline some of the approaches adopted by different local authorities around England, as well as presentations from Lewes District Council, the Building Research Establishment (BRE) and Tibbalds about the ways they are promoting Healthy Homes and communities locally.


12:00Welcome and introductionEvent chair
12:05Overview of the Healthy Homes guideRosalie Callway
Projects & Policy Manager, TCPA
Sally Roscoe
Projects & Policy Officer, TCPA
12:15BRE Homes Quality Mark – operationalising the Healthy Homes PrinciplesJennifer Dudley
Product Manager – Residential Housing, BRE
12:25Lewes District Council – housing and planning workEmily O’Brien
Green Party Councillor for Ouse Valley & Ringmer
Nathan Haffenden
Assistant Director – Property and Development, Lewes District Council and Eastbourne Borough Council
12:35Tibbalds – Northstowe and design code for BradfordKatja Stille
Director Planning and Urban Design, Tibbalds
12:45Q&AEvent chair