- 20-Minute Neighbourhoods: a special issue of the TCPA journal
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- Editorial opportunity: Town & Country Planning
- Garden City Principles
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- Making Stewardship Happen - A Process Guide for Councils
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- Parliamentary reception to celebrate the Healthy Homes campaign
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- Planning for flood risk training
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- The foundations of the Garden City Movement
- Tickets Checkout
- Tomorrow 125: Exploring Garden Cities through the arts
- Website feedback
- What is Green Infrastructure?
- Why join the TCPA?
- Your direct debit has been set up
- ‘A problem shared is a problem half-solved’
- ‘Give children their childhood back’ – reflections from the Developing Well conference
- ‘It’s time for a new philosophy of planning – ‘civic art'', says TCPA
- “People take pride in East Kilbride”
- (Voluntary vacancy) Town & Country Planning – Editorial Advisory Panel
- 'Ripping up the system won’t build the homes we need' – TCPA responds to 'Planning for the Future' White Paper
- Simply Madness
- 80% of shops on high streets could be lost to PDRs
- A brief history of the role of women in the first twenty years of the Garden City movement
- A new beginning for national planning policy?
- A Quick-Fire Response to the Queen’s Speech
- A skills revolution to create the healthy, well-designed places of the future
- Achieving a healthy green recovery – the essential role of green infrastructure
- After the Truss party hangover, the cold reality of the Levelling Up Bill
- Back to the future
- Belfast – a peaceful path to real reform
- Beyond beauty: the case for co-creation and Civic Art
- Briefing for House of Lords Committee Stage of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill
- Bringing the Healthy Homes debate to the centre of British democracy
- Budget 2024 – what are the housing commitments?
- Campaign release: These are Homes photobook
- Can historic buildings lead the fight against climate change?
- Celebrating 125 years of supporting people and places to thrive
- Change can rebuild trust with communities
- Changes to various Permitted Development Rights: TCPA response to latest consultation
- Climate Change should be a central objective of local planning
- Commemorating the life of Nicky Gavron
- Creating places and spaces where children and young people thrive
- Creating town centres in new communities
- Creative places: reflections from the Annual Osborn memorial event
- Delivering new Garden Cities with sustainable transport at their core
- Democracy is a non-negotiable part of planning
- English planning system is failing to protect new housing development from flood risk, TCPA research finds
- English planning’s darkest hour?
- Ensuring all homes are safe from fire
- Exploring Ebenezer Howard’s Legacy: The Ebenezer Howard Memorial Medal Recipients
- Fairness in Planning?
- Finding the Forgotten Pioneers
- From the archive: 125 Years of the TCPA
- From the archive: The forgotten women pioneers of the Garden City movement
- From the wrong questions to the right answers
- Further expansion of permitted development rights is not the way to build the homes we need
- Garden Cities: separating truth from myth
- Government announces strategy for new generation of garden communities
- Government backs slum housing in major setback for town and city centres
- Government must plan for zero-carbon new communities
- Green Infrastructure: delivering for climate, people and nature
- Growth ambition must be backed by a robust process and commitment to quality
- Guest Blog: The status of the 2023 WMS on Local Energy Efficiency Standards
- Happy Birthday Ebenezer!
- Health is made at home; why we need a Healthy Homes Act
- Healthy Homes amendments to the LURB receive cross-party peer support
- Healthy Homes election special – what do the party manifestos say about housing and health?
- Healthy Homes Pledge – a sector-wide commitment to create new homes and communities where people can thrive
- Healthy Housing: A life or death issue
- Homes fit for the future
- Housing sector urged to prioritise healthy homes
- How can urban planners influence the 15-minute city narrative?
- How do we ensure all new homes have access to local amenities, nature and transport?
- How the healthy homes approach might be the answer to our planning problems
- How to fix the planning provisions of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill
- How to Plan for Social Justice
- Icons, Tears and Hope in Barrow Hill
- Improving peace and quiet at home with sound acoustic design
- In support of the Healthy Homes Bill
- In the zone?
- Inclusive, accessible and adaptable homes for all
- Initial TCPA response to MHCLG's NPPF and National Model Design Code proposals
- Introducing the TCPA’s new strategy for 2021 to 2025
- Is this the end for democratic planning?
- It’s time to be visionary: The overarching message from the 2024 TCPA Annual Conference
- Joint letter to the Secretary of State regarding the 13 December Written Ministerial Statement
- Labour’s planning reform agenda: turning point or tipping point for climate action?
- Lady Margaret Paterson Osborn “A quiet warrior but a warrior none the less”
- Land-mark Publication Reveals the Forgotten Hope of the New Towns
- Landworker
- Last chance for action on climate change
- Last chance to unite on climate action
- Lessons from Cranbrook – 10 years on
- Levelling up in practice: Thamesmead
- Lifting the lockdown: Clean air and safer, more accessible green space must become the new normal in a post-lockdown world
- Light blue touch paper and retire
- Liveable space for all homes
- Living Locally: The role of housing and planning within local councils
- Local planning authorities need more support to plan for resilient communities
- Location, location, location: lessons from the past
- Lords debate presses the importance of both quality and quantity of housing
- Loss of skills and power: is local government critically unprepared for the climate crisis?
- Lost Community Voices
- Low traffic neighbourhoods: anti-car or pro-people?
- Making our homes fit for the future – E.ON
- National Housing Federation backs TCPA’s Healthy Homes Act campaign
- New briefing explores major downgrading of flood defence works in England
- New Garden Cities must have sustainable transport at their core, argues the TCPA.
- New guidance launched to help local authorities promote health through Local Plans
- New Healthy Homes Pineapples awards category announced
- New planning for flood risk training launched
- New report – Tomorrow 125: Rediscovering the roots of a new society
- New Towns and Health – Celebrating the Anniversary of East Kilbride
- New Towns Taskforce: a unique opportunity to deliver healthy communities
- North Essex decision provides moment for reflection on Government’s ‘Garden Communities’ programme
- Notes from the International Garden City Retrofitting Conference
- NPPF consultation response 2024
- One of the most important icons of Britain’s working-class heritage is under threat
- Peers back Healthy Homes for all
- Planning – an essential part of the solution
- Planning for people and planet: Quietly revolutionary ideas from practice
- Planning for the Future – zonal planning and its impact on our wildlife
- Planning Inspectorate’s attempt to water down net zero buildings policies found to be unlawful
- Planning needs to be central to the levelling up agenda
- Planning practice in an ‘infodemic’
- Planning reform must increase, not hinder, the supply of genuinely affordable homes
- Planning Reform: in defence of democratic planning
- Press Release: ‘Make every planning decision matter on climate change’
- Press release: 98% of councils say new development does not meet affordable housing policy
- Press release: APPG calls on Government to put New Towns centre stage in Budget
- Press release: Boost of Planning Aid for London to help people influence planning
- Press release: Budget fails to deliver the powers and funding councils need to tackle the housing crisis
- Press release: Councils warn that permitted development a risk to health and wellbeing
- Press release: Expansion of permitted development is a threat to vulnerable people
- Press release: Former housing minister calls for transformation of English planning
- Press release: Free planning advice service for Londoners launches online information hub
- Press release: Government must radically change planning policy to deal with climate change
- Press release: Government puts quality, design and stewardship at heart of new towns legislation update
- Press release: London councils not doing enough to tackle poverty and inequality
- Press release: Major planning bodies unite to tackle climate change
- Press release: New All-Party Parliamentary Group launched to shine political spotlight on growth opportunities in new towns
- Press Release: New Towns APPG Reinstated
- Press release: NPPF fails to deliver for those most in need
- Press Release: Planning for the climate crisis is vital to our survival
- Press release: Planning system failing people in greatest need, report finds
- Press release: Planning system vital to unlock housing delivery, Government told
- Press release: Raynsford Review of Planning final report published
- Press release: TCPA calls for a Healthy Homes Act to tackle concerns over poor-quality housing
- Press release: TCPA comments on Building Better, Building Beautiful Commission report
- Press release: TCPA responds to 2019 general election result
- Press release: TCPA responds to government's £9m fund for vertical housing extensions
- Press release: TCPA responds to Labour's commitment to scrapping PDR
- Press release: TCPA responds to the publication of Living with Beauty
- Press release: TCPA welcomes government’s recommitment Garden City Principles and climate change in NPPF
- Press release: TCPA welcomes new chief executive
- Press release: Updated planning framework is key test of government's commitment to affordable housing
- Principles for planning reform
- Prioritise outdoor play to give children best start in life, finds new report
- Putting flood risk at the heart of planning
- Quick office-to-housing conversions will risk residents’ health, according to new TCPA research
- Raising the healthiest generation in history – report launch
- Rebuilding trust with honesty
- Rebuilding Trust?
- Reducing carbon emissions in all homes
- Remembering Colin Ward: ‘gentle anarchism’ and a do-it-yourself spirit
- Resource launched on addressing flood risk through the planning system
- Response to the 13 December 2023 WMS and local plan policy for net zero
- Rising to the climate change challenge: The role of housing and planning within local councils
- Salt Cross: a serious error of judgement
- Shaping the future – from garden cities to new environmentalism
- Shouldn’t we get the homes we need, not just what we’re given?
- Staying indoors during COVID-19: why the quality of our homes matters more than ever
- Survey highlights local authorities’ challenges in planning for flood risk
- Take Back the City: homes for everyone
- TCPA appointed to create guidance for Healthy New Towns
- TCPA Chair writes to Prime Minister to voice concerns that extension of permitted development rights risks creating ‘slums of the future’
- TCPA responds to Minister's 'Building Beautiful Places' plan
- TCPA responds to new legislation extending permitted development rights
- TCPA Responds to Prime Minister’s speech at CPC 2022
- TCPA responds to Prime Minister's ten-point climate plan
- TCPA Responds to Queen’s Speech
- TCPA Responds to Queen's Speech
- TCPA response to the Government’s announcement about the expert taskforce on a new generation of New Towns
- TCPA statement on government 'development corporation consultation' and capacity funding
- TCPA Study Tour: Welcome to Cornwall (Kernow a’gas dynergh)
- TCPA welcomes Health and Social Care Select Committee Report
- TCPA writes to MHCLG over NPPF concerns
- TCPA Writes to Prime Minister Ahead of Planning White Paper
- Tens of thousands of new homes have legally bypassed the planning system in England since 2013
- The 20-minute neighbourhood – a way to support healthier, active and prosperous communities?
- The 20-minute neighbourhood and individual freedom
- The case for a patient approach to creating communities
- The City of the Future: An Urban Design Competition
- The climate implications of COVID-19 – short-term standstill, long-term change?
- The end of the affair
- The fight for Healthy Homes will go on!
- The Fight for the Soul of the Planner
- The Government’s changes to planning will result in more poor-quality homes: TCPA response to today’s announcement
- The Healthy Homes Principles – why do we need them?
- The housing and climate crises can be tackled together
- The impact of planning deregulation on rural economies
- The Levelling Up and Regeneration Act: neither effective nor democratic
- The Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill: a decisive shift of power to Whitehall.
- The Levelling Up Bill: Silencing the voices of local people?
- The Planning Inspectorate’s assault on an exemplary Net Zero planning policy fuels the climate crisis
- The Planning White Paper and that morning after feeling
- The Planning White Paper, an opportunity for real change?
- The question of public trust: blogs
- The science and art of strategic planning
- The seven deadly mistakes of planning reform
- The TCPA responds to Prime Minister’s ‘Build, build, build’ announcements
- The UK’s other housing crisis
- The Wrong Answers to the Wrong Questions: Countering the misconceptions driving the Government’s planning reform agenda
- The zombie economics of investment zones
- This is the story of Citizens House
- This is the way
- Tomorrow 125: inspiring a new generation of planners
- Unleashing the potential of ‘held back’ places
- Vacancy: Events and Projects Assistant
- Vacancy: Projects and Policy Manager (Osborn Fellow) (maternity cover)
- Vlog: What’s left of the British Utopian Tradition
- We can build healthy homes that cut carbon – so let’s get on and do it!
- We must share the uplift in land values to build better homes and local infrastructure
- We’re hiring: Project and Policy Assistant
- What a planner might learn from the Black Lives Matter movement
- When the shouting stops
- When we build again (let’s get it right)
- Why all new homes must be climate resilient
- Why all new homes must minimise air pollution
- Why Europe’s most important housing development needs your help!
- Why Healthy Homes are a priority for insurers
- Young people locked out of changes to their neighbourhood
- Zero carbon homes: the industry is setting the pace. It’s time for the government to catch up
- 20-minute neighbourhood case studies
- 20-Minute Neighbourhood webinar series
- Campaign for Healthy Homes
- Campaigning for new Garden Cities
- Children and Young People
- Climate webinars
- Developing Well conference
- Garden City Standards for the 21st Century: Practical Guides for Creating Successful New Communities
- Green Cities Webinar Series
- Green infrastructure standards conference – July 2021
- Long-term stewardship
- Other guidance for delivering new Garden Cities
- Practical Hope: Inspiration for Community Action
- Research on Garden Cities and New Towns
- Sir Frederic J. Osborn Memorial Lecture
- The 20-minute neighbourhood
- Tomorrow 125 films
- Tomorrow 125: related publications
- Toolkit: Long-term stewardship in new communities
- Town and Country Planning Journal
- Using health evidence to inform planning
Art and Planning
- A National Cultural Planning Toolkit
- Case studies
- Civic Art: the renewed philosophy of town planning
- Good Practice Guide for Improving Culture, Arts and Sporting Opportunities through Planning
- Guide 6: I’d Love to Live There! Planning for Culture and the Arts
- Practical Hope: Civic Square
- Re:Place – Reconnecting Arts & Planning
- TCPA Performance Pieces
- That word art! Putting art back into planning – Guide for councils
- Two Tea Bags to Utopia
Children and Young People
- Developing Well conference: session four
- Developing Well conference: session one
- Developing Well conference: session three
- Developing Well conference: session two
- Engaging with children and young people: local just transition plans in Scotland
- Homes and neighbourhoods for children and young people
- Raising the healthiest generation in history: why it matters where children and young people live
Climate Change
- ‘Future insurance cover in urban areas’ – Katherine Greig, Flood Re
- ‘Rural and upland issues and examples of good practice’ – Simon Dart, Environment Agency
- ‘Successful SuDS schemes’ – John Rumble, Hertfordshire County Council
- A Crisis of Place: Are we delivering sustainable development through local plans?
- Building a safer future: a guide for communities on the planning system and flood risk
- Building blocks for the relationship between the planning system and the changing climate
- Climate Guide Case Studies
- Delivering flood resilience through the planning system in England
- Flood and Coastal Erosion: Understanding updates to the Planning Practice Guidance (Webinar recording and FAQs)
- Green Cities UK brochure
- Green spaces for people and wellbeing
- Guide 13: Sustainable Transport
- Guide 4: Masterplanning for net-zero energy
- How the natural environment can help combat climate change
- Joint Statement: Planning for the climate crisis
- Local authorities leading the way: net zero planning policy
- Making places greener – practical tools and insights (Part I)
- Making Places Greener – practical tools and insights (part 2)
- Neighbourhood planning in a climate emergency
- Permitted development, housing and health: a review of national policy and regulations
- Planning for Climate Change – the adaptation challenge
- Planning for climate change and flood risk: survey results
- Planning for climate change, law and policy
- Planning for flood risk in England
- Planning for the climate challenge? Understanding the performance of English local plans
- Practical Hope: Civic Square
- Practical Hope: South Bank Community Land Trust
- Resilience Development Corporations
- Rising to the climate change challenge: The role of housing and planning within local councils
- Rising to the Climate Crisis: A Guide for Local Authorities on Planning for Climate Change
- Setting local plan policies for net zero buildings
- Should communities have a right to green space?
- TCPA and CSE joint response to the Planning White Paper – ‘Why the Planning System needs to be at the heart of delivering the UK’s Climate Change targets’
- The 13 December 2023 WMS and local plan policy for net zero
- The Climate Crisis – a guide for local authorities on planning for climate change
- The forgotten 500: The implications of the major downgrading of flood defence investment in England
- The outlook for green infrastructure in Great Britain post-BREXIT
- The Sixth Carbon Budget (Climate Change Committee)
- UK Climate Risk
- Webinar recording: Applying the sequential and exception tests to planning applications
- Webinar recording: Climate Guide launch 2023
- Webinar recording: Flood risk assessments for planning applications
Garden Cities
- A practical path to a hopeful tomorrow
- Built Today, Treasured Tomorrow: A practical guide to long-term stewardship
- Creating Garden Cities and Suburbs today: a Guide for councils
- Creating Garden Cities and Suburbs Today: policies, practices, partnerships and model approaches – a report of the garden cities and suburbs expert group
- From patchwork to tapestry: Overcoming barriers to planning for long-term stewardship in existing communities
- Garden Cities Myth-Buster
- Garden Cities Symposium
- Garden City Myth-buster
- Guide 1: Locating and Consenting New Garden Cities
- Guide 10: ‘Edible’ Garden Cities
- Guide 11: People, Planning and Power
- Guide 12: Modern Methods of Construction
- Guide 13: Sustainable Transport
- Guide 14: Building climate resilient large-scale new communities
- Guide 2: Finance and Delivery
- Guide 3: Design and Masterplanning
- Guide 4: Masterplanning for net-zero energy
- Guide 5: Homes for All
- Guide 6: I’d Love to Live There! Planning for Culture and the Arts
- Guide 7: Planning for Green and Prosperous Places
- Guide 8: Creating Health-Promoting Environments
- Guide 9: Long-Term Stewardship
- Health and Garden Cities, a TCPA ‘Tomorrow Series’ paper
- How good could it be?: A guide to building better places
- Myth-buster animation
- Re-imagining Garden Cities for the 21st Century
- Stage 1: An Introduction to the UK’s New Towns and Garden Cities
- Stage 2 Report: Lessons for delivering a new generation of garden cities
- TCPA Briefing Paper 50: Putting Garden Cities at the Heart of the Housing and Planning Bill
- The Art of Building a Garden City – Garden City Standards for the 21st Century
- The Forgotten Pioneers: Celebrating the Women of the Garden City Movement
- The Garden City Opportunity – A Guide for Councils
- The Heart of the Matter: emerging lessons in long-term stewardship
- Understanding Garden Villages
Garden Cities and New Towns
- A National Cultural Planning Toolkit
- A new future for New Towns – Lessons from the TCPA New Towns Network
- A practical path to a hopeful tomorrow
- All-Party Parliamentary Group on New Towns
- Art and Planning Strategy
- Best practice in urban extensions and new settlements-a report on emerging good practice
- Bournville 125: Symposium programme
- Building Successful New Communities
- Building the Future
- Building the future: lessons from the New Towns (video)
- Built Today, Treasured Tomorrow: A practical guide to long-term stewardship
- Case studies
- Celebrating 70 Years of the New Towns Act
- Civic Art: the renewed philosophy of town planning
- Creating Garden Cities and Suburbs today: a Guide for councils
- Creating Garden Cities and Suburbs Today: policies, practices, partnerships and model approaches – a report of the garden cities and suburbs expert group
- Delivering new communities: A Technical Guide to Project and Programme Management for Local Authorities
- Explore the UK’s New Towns
- From patchwork to tapestry: Overcoming barriers to planning for long-term stewardship in existing communities
- Funding opportunities for new communities
- Garden Cities Myth-Buster
- Garden Cities Symposium
- Garden City Myth-buster
- Good Practice Guide for Improving Culture, Arts and Sporting Opportunities through Planning
- Green spaces for people and wellbeing
- Guide 1: Locating and Consenting New Garden Cities
- Guide 10: ‘Edible’ Garden Cities
- Guide 11: People, Planning and Power
- Guide 12: Modern Methods of Construction
- Guide 13: Sustainable Transport
- Guide 14: Building climate resilient large-scale new communities
- Guide 2: Finance and Delivery
- Guide 3: Design and Masterplanning
- Guide 4: Masterplanning for net-zero energy
- Guide 5: Homes for All
- Guide 6: I’d Love to Live There! Planning for Culture and the Arts
- Guide 7: Planning for Green and Prosperous Places
- Guide 8: Creating Health-Promoting Environments
- Guide 9: Long-Term Stewardship
- Health and Garden Cities, a TCPA ‘Tomorrow Series’ paper
- Health, hope and prosperity: a vision for healthy new towns
- Heart of the New Town
- Housing with a heart
- How good could it be?: A guide to building better places
- How the natural environment can help combat climate change
- Land value capture and infrastructure delivery through SLICs
- Making places greener – practical tools and insights (Part I)
- Making Places Greener – practical tools and insights (part 2)
- Myth-buster animation
- New Towns Act 2015?
- Nothing gained by overcrowding!
- Other guidance for councils and delivery partners
- Peterlee: The Place to… Bee
- Practical Hope: Civic Square
- Practical Hope: Incredible Edible Leeds
- Practical Hope: South Bank Community Land Trust
- Practical Hope: TimeBank Hull
- Practical Hope: Transition Town Totnes
- Re-imagining Garden Cities for the 21st Century
- Re:Place – Reconnecting Arts & Planning
- Relevant stewardship resources and further information
- Rising to the climate change challenge: The role of housing and planning within local councils
- Should communities have a right to green space?
- St Andrews Barrow Hill – Britain’s working-class heritage under threat
- Stage 1: An Introduction to the UK’s New Towns and Garden Cities
- Stage 2 Report: Lessons for delivering a new generation of garden cities
- T125 Foundational Principles – Summary discussion papers
- TCPA Briefing Paper 50: Putting Garden Cities at the Heart of the Housing and Planning Bill
- TCPA New Towns Network
- TCPA Online Study Tour: Harlow – Pram Town to Garden Town?
- TCPA Online Study Tour: Milton Keynes – ‘Building Britain’s Newest City’
- TCPA Performance Pieces
- That word art! Putting art back into planning – Guide for councils
- The Art of Building a Garden City – Garden City Standards for the 21st Century
- The Forgotten Pioneers: Celebrating the Women of the Garden City Movement
- The Garden City Opportunity – A Guide for Councils
- The Heart of the Matter: emerging lessons in long-term stewardship
- The outlook for green infrastructure in Great Britain post-BREXIT
- Tomorrow 125 Background Paper 2021
- Tomorrow 125 Interim Report
- Tomorrow 125 website
- Tomorrow 125: Rediscovering the roots of a new society
- Two Tea Bags to Utopia
- Understanding Garden Villages
- Unlocking the potential of large-scale new communities
- Webinar Recording: New Communities Group Webinar on Planning for Culture
- What is the Tomorrow 125 project?
Healthy Homes
Healthy Place-making
- ‘Living Well Locally’: a community vision
- A TCPA Healthy Homes campaign
briefing on the Levelling Up and
Regeneration Bill - A wellbeing hub on the High Street
- Active Design
- Active Travel Toolbox
- Air Quality Standards
- Belfast Healthy Cities ‘Reuniting Planning and Health’ capacity building resource
- Birmingham’s vision for liveable neighbourhoods
- Blogs in support of Healthy Homes
- Briefing for public health professionals on plan making reforms
- Building the Foundations: tackling obesity through planning and development
- Chris Boardman’s keynote speech – Spring Conference 2023
- Creating Connected Places
- Delivering Sustainable Healthy Homes and Communities in Northern Ireland
- Developers and Wellbeing Project
- Developing a healthy planning principles framework
- Developing Well conference: session four
- Developing Well conference: session one
- Developing Well conference: session three
- Developing Well conference: session two
- Embedding health and wellbeing in neighbourhood plans
- Engaging with children and young people: local just transition plans in Scotland
- Expanding Permitted Development Rights
- Framework for a healthy places supplementary planning document (SPD)
- Guide to creating a technical research paper on ageing well
- Hailsham: the 10-minute town
- Health impact assessments in spatial planning – a guide for local authority public health and planning teams
- Health, hope and prosperity: a vision for healthy new towns
- Healthy Homes – Lords Briefing to Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill
- Healthy Homes campaign update – including BRE’s latest report on the health cost or poor housing.
- Healthy Homes campaign- draft motion to council
- Healthy Homes Campaign- Updates
- Healthy Homes fact checker
- Healthy Homes Pledge animation
- Healthy Homes Principles
- Healthy Streets
- Healthy weight environments: using the planning system (2021)
- Homes and neighbourhoods for children and young people
- Improving Access to Green Spaces – A New Review for 2020
- Introducing 20 minute neighbourhoods in England’ a talk for Bristol Civic Society
- Introducing 20-Minute Neighbourhoods
- Introducing the planning for healthy places guide: a webinar for local authorities
- Learning from Down Under
- Neighbourhood planning and 20-minute neighbourhoods
- Neighbourhood planning and 20-minute neighbourhoods toolkit
- No place for placemaking
- Permitted development rights, health and housing – parliamentary briefing
- Permitted development, housing and health: a review of national policy and regulations
- Place and wellbeing: integrating land use planning and public health in Scotland
- Planning for health and well-being in Wales
- Planning for healthy places – a guide on embedding health in Local Plans and planning policy in England
- Planning for Walking Toolkit
- Planning Healthy-weight environments
- Planning healthy-weight environments – a TCPA reuniting health with planning project
- Planning Healthy-Weight Environments – Six Elements
- Practical Hope: Civic Square
- Practical Hope: Incredible Edible Leeds
- Practical Hope: South Bank Community Land Trust
- Practical Hope: Transition Town Totnes
- Public Health in Planning: good practice guide
- Putting Health into Place
- Raising the healthiest generation in history: why it matters where children and young people live
- Regenerating a post war housing estate
- Reuniting health with planning: How planning and public health practitioners can work together to implement health and planning reforms in England
- Reuniting health with planning: Planning healthier places report
- Rural expressions of 20-minute neighbourhoods
- School Superzones (2021)
- Securing constructive collaboration and consensus for planning healthy developments
- Securing Healthy Homes at the local level
- Securing healthy homes locally – a webinar for local government
- Spatial Planning for Health
- Spatial planning for health guide
- TCPA healthy place making publications
- The 20-Minute Neighbourhood Guide
- The Healthy Homes Bill
- The State of the Union: Reuniting health with planning in promoting healthy communities
- The vital role of data in creating complete, compact and connected places
- These are Homes photobook
- Town & Country Planning #healthyplanning Special Edition Journal
- Town & Country Planning Journal Special Edition ‘Reuniting Health with Planning’
- Undermining health in England
- Useful healthy place-making resources
- Waltham Forest’s 15-minute Neighbourhood Framework
- Webinar recording: neighbourhood planning and 20-minute neighbourhoods
- Webinar: healthy ageing in place
Long-term Stewardship
New Communities Group
New Towns
- A new future for New Towns – Lessons from the TCPA New Towns Network
- All-Party Parliamentary Group on New Towns
- Building the future: lessons from the New Towns (video)
- Built Today, Treasured Tomorrow: A practical guide to long-term stewardship
- Explore the UK’s New Towns
- From patchwork to tapestry: Overcoming barriers to planning for long-term stewardship in existing communities
- Health, hope and prosperity: a vision for healthy new towns
- New Towns Act 2015?
- Stage 1: An Introduction to the UK’s New Towns and Garden Cities
- TCPA New Towns Network
- TCPA Online Study Tour: Harlow – Pram Town to Garden Town?
- TCPA Online Study Tour: Milton Keynes – ‘Building Britain’s Newest City’
- The Heart of the Matter: emerging lessons in long-term stewardship
Parks and Green Infrastructure
- Building with Nature
- Community-led green space toolkit
- Expert paper: Green infrastructure and biodiversity
- Expert paper: Health, wealth and happiness
- Expert paper: Investment finance for green infrastructure
- Expert paper: Place-making and green infrastructure
- Expert paper: Planning for green infrastructure- the green space factor and learning from Europe
- Expert paper: What does good green infrastructure policy look like?
- Factsheet: Green infrastructure and biodiversity
- Factsheet: Green infrastructure and climate change
- Factsheet: Green infrastructure and food
- Factsheet: Green infrastructure and health
- Factsheet: Green infrastructure glossary
- Factsheet: Green roofs
- From patchwork to tapestry: Overcoming barriers to planning for long-term stewardship in existing communities
- Green Cities UK brochure
- Green Flag Awards
- Green Infrastructure Events Calendar
- Green Infrastructure Partnership Conference 2023
- Green Infrastructure Partnership Conference 2024 (recording)
- Green Infrastructure Partnership Newsletter
- Green Infrastructure Resource Library
- Guide 7: Planning for Green and Prosperous Places
- Health, Wealth and Happiness – the multiple benefits of green infrastructure Expert Paper
- Mainstreaming green infrastructure
- Managing grassland road verges
- Practical Hope: Civic Square
- Practical Hope: South Bank Community Land Trust
- The Green Space Factor and the Green Points System
- Town & Country Planning Journal Special Edition – Mainstreaming green infrastructure
- Walking in Urban Parks and Green Spaces
- Webinar recording: A New Era for Green Infrastructure?
- Webinar: Biodiversity and environmental net gain: opportunities for delivering green infrastructure
- Webinar: Introduction to the Green Infrastructure Standards Framework
- Webinar: The role of green infrastructure in a healthy green recovery
Planning Reform
- 100 Days to Rebuild Britain: The TCPA’s vision for the next Government
- Briefing for public health professionals on plan making reforms
- Common Ground
- Community guide for responding to the White Paper
- Guide for responding to the draft NPPF
- Initial White Paper Analysis
- Levelling Up – the role of planning
- NPPF consultation 2024: the TCPA’s response
- NPPF consultation response 2023
- Our shared future: A TCPA White Paper for Homes and Communities
- Permitted development, housing and health: a review of national policy and regulations
- Planning reform – a ‘tetralogue’
- Planning White Paper FAQs
- Response to government proposals to reform plan making in England
- Rising to the climate change challenge: The role of housing and planning within local councils
- TCPA Response to Proposed Changes to the NPPF and National Model Design Code
- TCPA Response to the Planning White Paper Consultation
- The Raynsford Review ‘One Year On’
- The Raynsford Review of Planning
- The Right Answers to the Right Questions
- The Wrong Answers to the Wrong Questions
Tomorrow 125
- A practical path to a hopeful tomorrow
- Bournville 125: Symposium programme
- Building the Future
- Garden City Myth-buster
- Heart of the New Town
- Housing with a heart
- Myth-buster animation
- Peterlee: The Place to… Bee
- Practical Hope: Incredible Edible Leeds
- Practical Hope: South Bank Community Land Trust
- Practical Hope: TimeBank Hull
- Practical Hope: Transition Town Totnes
- T125 Foundational Principles – Summary discussion papers
- Tomorrow 125 Background Paper 2021
- Tomorrow 125 Interim Report
- Tomorrow 125: Rediscovering the roots of a new society
- What is the Tomorrow 125 project?