Press release: Free planning advice service for Londoners launches online information hub

Town planning support service Planning Aid for London (PAL) has launched an online planning library to help members of the public understand why and how their neighbourhood is changing. The library helps people with responding to new planning policy and development proposals and brings together resources explaining planning in a single, free and easy-to-navigate hub. 

The library is hosted on a new website dedicated to helping Londoners understand the planning system and is part of a new project to expand PAL’s services.1 

Although various guides, advice services, videos and other planning resources exist, too often people remain unaware of development proposals in their neighbourhood and how they can influence them. The planning library brings together over 150 resources, organised according to format and topic, to help educate and upskill people on town planning matters. 

PAL also offers free professional planning advice to qualifying individuals and community groups through the website’s advice line. Those unable to afford professional advice can contact Planning Aid for London for help on new development, planning applications, enforcement notices, consultations or other planning matters. 

PAL Trustee Katy Lock said: 

“PAL aims to empower Londoners to understand what changes are happening around them and how to get involved. Our new info hub provides easy access to resources which will help cut through the jargon and explain the technicalities. It is also a calling card – we hope individuals and community groups will use our free advice service and explore the different opportunities to get involved in PAL” 

Visit to access the library, find the advice line, and to learn how other community groups have influenced development. The new website has been created in partnership with the Town and Country Planning Association, with funding from Trust for London. 



Notes to editor: 

1. In June 2020 Planning Aid for London entered a three year partnership with the Town and Country Planning Association, funded by Trust for London, to expand PAL’s services and focus on supporting marginalized groups in neighbourhoods undergoing largescale regeneration. 

About Planning Aid for London 

Planning Aid for London (PAL) is an independent charity that offers planning advice to those who would otherwise not be able to afford professional help. PAL’s advice and support on town planning matters is free, independent and professional. PAL has been providing training and support to communities and individuals across London for over forty years. The advice provided clearly reflects the current planning system in London but is not part of local or central government nor developer influenced. PAL works with individuals and communities all over London to help them with make change in their neighbourhoods and areas.  Follow PAL on Twitter @Planaidlondon to keep up to date with PAL’s activities and keep an eye out for the new resources which are soon to be made available on PAL’s website.  

About the Town and Country Planning Association 

The Town and Country Planning Association is a charity that challenges, inspires and helps people create and transform communities so that everyone lives in a socially just, healthy, resilient and natural environment. The Planning Aid movement is engrained in the TCPA’s history, as part of our work to support people to make planning work in their areas. In 2019, the TCPA published the report London – Planning for a Just City, which called for a refocus of the planning system to place social justice at its core and highlighted the need for more free professional support and advice services for communities.  

About Trust for London 

Trust for London is an independent charitable foundation that aims to tackle poverty and inequality in London by funding voluntary and charity groups, funding independent research and providing knowledge and expertise to policymakers. 

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For further information, or comment, please contact [email protected] or call +44 20 8132 5477

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