The TCPA has responded to the government’s proposed changes to the NPPF and National Model Design Code. While the Association welcomes the Government’s review of national planning policy for England, many of the issues confronting our communities have changed radically since the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) was first introduced in 2012 and the review is an opportunity to direct the focus of the planning system to deal with a post pandemic world in which health, the climate crisis and the delivery of well-designed affordable housing have become key priorities.
The Association recognises that the proposed changes to the NPPF and the model design code guidance significantly restore and emphasis on good design to the planning system. This emphasis, as well as the inclusion of the United Nations sustainable development goals is a welcome step forward. However, given that the consultation document proposes a wide range changes to the NPPF it is vital that the final version tackles other issues critical to the future of our communities. These include delivering on the Government’s own commitments to a zero-carbon future, the vital need to update policy on planning for flood risk and the immediate task of securing safe, accessible and inclusive spaces for both women and for other groups with protected characteristics. Addressing all of these issues can be done quickly and efficiently by reference to established legislation and existing design frameworks.