TCPA responds to new legislation extending permitted development rights

The TCPA has responded to the Government’s latest raft of legislation extending permitted development rights for upwards expansion. The new laws will enable homeowners to add up to 2 additional storeys to their home, and will mean that full planning applications will not be required to demolish and rebuild unused buildings as homes.

Daniel Slade, Projects & Policy Manager at the TCPA said:

‘Thanks to the government’s previous expansion of permitted development rights we’ve already seen what new homes look like when they’re allowed to bypass the planning system: thousands of tiny, poor quality “homes” in unacceptable locations like industrial estates.

‘Communities had no say on these new developments, and because they weren’t planned they also missed out on funding from developers for crucial local infrastructure, like green spaces and road improvements. Developers are also able to avoid paying for affordable housing – between 2015 and 2018 councils missed out on more than 10,000 affordable homes because of this. 

‘It’s hard to square this further deregulation with the government’s promise to build ‘beautiful greener communities’ or ‘protect high standards’.’

The TCPA is campaigning for a Healthy Homes Act that would put an end to poor quality developments that undermine residents’ health and wellbeing for good. Find out more here.

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