The resources on this page are designed to introduce the importance of planning for climate change and to explain how to navigate and capitalise on the mechanisms and policy instruments that underpin this action.
They are aimed primarily at local authority officers but are also useful for elected members, practitioners, students and anyone who is trying to understand how the planning system can contribute to addressing the climate challenge.
Supported by:
Webinar recording: Climate Guide launch 2023
A webinar recording of the launch of the 2023 TCPA and RTPI free joint guidance for local authorities on planning for climate change.
Planning for Climate Change – the adaptation challenge
Needs summary
‘Successful SuDS schemes’ – John Rumble, Hertfordshire County Council
A presentation delivered as part of the TCPA workshop, 'Planning for flood risk - urban areas' on Monday 30 November 2020.
‘Future insurance cover in urban areas’ – Katherine Greig, Flood Re
A presentation delivered as part of the TCPA workshop, 'Planning for flood risk - urban areas' on Monday 30 November 2020.
‘Rural and upland issues and examples of good practice’ – Simon Dart, Environment Agency
A presentation delivered as part of a workshop titled 'Planning for flood risk - rural and upland areas'
Building blocks for the relationship between the planning system and the changing climate
In the first of a series of videos on adaptation to the climate crisis, TCPA Policy Director, Dr. Hugh Ellis, discusses the building blocks of the relationship between the planning system and how we can deal with the changing climate.