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Planning for education in new places

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Virtual Event Virtual Event

24th February, 2022 @ 10:00 am 11:30 am

As part of the TCPA New Communities Group series, this webinar will explore how to deliver schools in large-scale new communities, covering issues such as what type of facilities are needed, negotiating provision, and how to justify need. We will hear from the Department for Education who will outline their guidance on delivering schools to support housing growth, including securing developer contributions. We will also have presentations on local authority and private sector case studies of places where new schools have been successfully delivered.


10:00Welcome and introduction from the Chair
Julia Thrift, Director, Healthier Place-making, TCPA
10:05Guidance and options for delivering schools as part of New Communities
Liz Pickering, Forward Planning Manager (South), Department for Education 
10:20Delivering high quality schools at Houlton, Rugby
Johanne Thomas, Regional Director for Communications, Communities and Partnerships, Urban & Civic 
10:45New education facilities in Lightmoor, Telford 
Pete Richmond, CEO, Bournville Village Trust
10:55Local authority case study – Cranbrook, Devon 
Andy Wood, Service Lead for Growth, Development and Prosperity, East Devon District Council 

Free – £54.00 Free to NCG members