NPPF consultation response 2024

The planning system has the potential to support healthy lives, high quality affordable housing and climate resilient, fairer places that are vital to the nation’s future. However, to achieve these ambitious outcomes, we believe the NPPF requires significant changes over and above those proposed in the current consultation. The TCPA has submitted a formal response to the 2024 NPPF consultation: NPPF consultation 2024: The TCPA’s response.

Our key messages relate to:
◦ A clear purpose for planning framed around a meaningful definition of sustainable development in which social inclusion and wellbeing are restored as key aspects of the concept, in line with the UN SDG goals.
◦ Ensuring robust demographic data is used as the foundation of housing forecasting.
◦ A more effective and defined role for the planning system in tackling the climate crisis.
◦ Meaningful operational policy on promoting health and well-being including a specific focus on reducing health inequalities and setting housing standards.
◦ Strong policy on community participation and enabling local community led development and regeneration

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