(January 2024)
The TCPA’s white paper sets out the practical steps the government must take to transform housing delivery.
A decent and affordable home defines the entire arc of our lives. The home is much more than a simple commodity. It is the foundation of our health and well-being, shaping our life chances as well as our national productivity. Providing a decent home for everyone is the defining test of a civilised society. England is failing that test. We are not building enough homes of the right quality in the right place at the right price.
The TCPA’s white paper Our shared future sets out the practical steps the government must take to unlock housing delivery. It complements the TCPA’s ongoing work on strategic housing delivery at all scales, providing the detail on how to make a national strategic approach to housing delivery possible and the transformational role of new settlements. Our vision of zero carbon, affordable and healthy homes is underpinned by the Garden City principles which provide a practical framework for a hopeful and sustainable future.
Making this vision a reality requires challenging the orthodox approach of years of failed planning reform which has focused on increasing the number of consents for housing units while ignoring affordability, quality and delivery. This paper makes clear that we have the design approaches and technical solutions necessary to deliver a fairer and more sustainable future. The challenge is whether we have the political will to implement them.