Press release: Major planning bodies unite to tackle climate change

16 May 2018 – The Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) and the Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA) have come together to produce a new guide which will help planners and politicians tackle climate change through the strategic use of policy and legislation.

The current National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) contains ambitious policies on climate change but on-the-ground delivery remains slow, largely because of a lack of practical advice and support to local councils on how to secure a radical reduction in carbon emissions.  

Government guidance has also been weak on adapting to climate change, particularly in relation to addressing issues such as heat waves and sea-level rises.

The new guide, ‘Planning for Climate Change – a Guide for Local Authorities’, which will be launched on Wednesday by Caroline Lucas MP, provides an overview of policy and legislation which can be used to address climate change at a local level, overcoming the barriers faced by many local authorities in England.

Hugh Ellis, TCPA Director of Policy, says:

‘Climate change is remaking our society and the impacts will be severe and lasting. The opportunities for action could also be transformational in harnessing new energy and engineering technologies to make our communities safe over the long term.   

‘A resilient and sustainable future is achievable, but only if we act now. This guide sends a powerful message to councils and planners that we can meet the climate challenge.’

Victoria Hills, RTPI Chief Executive, says:

‘Planners have a leading role in joining up the dots, from housing and transport to flood risk mitigation and energy, to ensure communities benefit from a holistic approach to tackling climate change. Today’s guidelines will be a valuable resource and should prompt more concerted actions on this vital issue.’

Notes to editors

  1. To view the full report, click here.
  2. ‘Planning for Climate Change: A Guide for Local Authorities’ was written by the TCPA and the RTPI and supported by BRE, Floodline Developments and EPICURO.
  3. The Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA) is an independent campaigning charity calling for more integrated planning based on the principles of accessibility, sustainability, diversity and community cohesion. For more information on the TCPA’s work on affordable housing see
  4. The Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) is the principal body representing planning professionals in the UK and Ireland. It promotes and develops policy affecting planning and the built environment. For more details, click here.
  5. For further information, please contact Jack Mulligan at the TCPA on 07825 707 546 or [email protected].

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