Practical Hope launch event webinar
This webinar launched the TCPA’s new resource, Practical Hope: Inspiration for Community Action, which seeks to
This webinar launched the TCPA’s new resource, Practical Hope: Inspiration for Community Action, which seeks to
Working to lower costs, reduce carbon footprints, and achieve energy security About Brighton Energy Coop Brighton
Community-led transformation and retrofitting for climate change About Civic Square Civic Square is a community group
Reimagining community resilience through everyday actions About Transition Towns Totnes Totnes is a small town in
Breathing life back into disused housing and restoring community pride About South Bank Community Land Trust
Building kind, confident, connected communities through food growing About Incredible Edible Leeds Part of the
Creating a caring, supportive and reciprocal local economy About TimeBank Hull TimeBank Hull was founded in 2012 as a
Planning Aid for London and Ramboll have produced a free toolkit to support community groups and individuals to plan
Neighbourhood planning provides communities a ‘right to plan’ and influence development in their area. This
The Environment Agency and Town & Country Planning Association have partnered to produce an introductory video on
This report by the Association for Public Service Excellence (APSE), researched and written by the Town and Country
Working with communities on influencing planning decisions Planning Aid for London (PAL) is London’s advice and